Thursday, September 12, 2013

More Geekery Abounds

Well, I'm back again with more artwork.

Just a quick little blurb here about it all since last time I covered I got a new medium to do artwork on last time.

Since then, I haven't really played too much with it.

Save for one drawing.

I'm normally a pretty free handed person when it comes to drawing. While I like things to look nice and straight and all that I'm not necessarily going for perfect.

However, I do what people to be able to know what my drawing is from looking at it and enjoy it as much as I did when I drew it.

So, I decided to try and do a completely free handed rendering of the TARDIS from Doctor Who. Those of you who don't know what that is I say shame on you and go to You Tube and look it up now.


Anywho, I did use a picture of the TARDIS for reference since I knew I was going to forget SOMETHING when I drew it out. So, here's what I came up with and I hope you and all you other Doctor Who fans out there like it too.

See ya later. ^^

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