Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Anime Free For All

I'm back once again.

Real life has taken it's toll so it took me quite a while to get enough time to come and post more drawings. Then, of course, came the inevitable moment of: which drawings or pictures do I show?

The moment that makes me sit back and really think about what pictures and drawings do I have that I want to feature and how.

After a little thought I decided to do a post dedicated to all the anime characters I've drawn over the years. Well...not ALL of them per say but the ones I can find in an reasonable amount of time. Knowing me I'll find more and have to do a part 2 somewhere down the line.

So here they come. Let's see if you know who they are. Good luck.

Hope all you anime fans out there enjoyed this little spree. More to come in the future of course.

This is Creative Karma. I'm sketching out a trail one line at a time.

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